Thursday, August 11, 2011

Don't forget Jesus was a homeless person.

      I think alot of times Christians forget to really picture Jesus how he was, a very homeless person. If he were on earth today I imagine that instead of being in America in all of the giant sanctuaries and glamour of church, he would prolly be in a place like the Congo, or South Africa, or in post-soviet russia working with the millions of people surviving through poverty. He would be wearing clothing that was torn and would probably have a small napsack of a few possessions, including a bible that was beat to shreds. His feet would have blisters from walking everywhere, but he would have an absolutely glorious smile on his beautiful face.
    I don't believe that everyone has to go and sell all of their possessions in order to enter the kingdom but I do know one thing. At any point in time a person should be able to sell all of their possessions if called to do so. I think where alot of people get tripped up is that it is all about the heart. Where is your heart? Are you holding on to your possessions so that you can help others who are in need? Because if that is the situation continue to give and help because that is necessary for the Church to thrive in the world today. But if you are holding on to your possessions and are looking for an easy way out be weary, you might regret your decision much like Ananias and Saphira (spelling?).
   I think that is the main problem in the church today, is that we throw money at charities rather than realizing the the Church in it's essence, is the best possible charity of all. The world Church has more volunteers than any other organization on the planet (if they were all willing). We could end hunger in a heartbeat, by eating half of the food we currently do and giving the rest to the homeless.
   Why not house the homeless in the church while they are trying to find housing and get back on their feet? If the first though in your mind is that they would steal something, remember that everything in that church is the Lord's and he would have let them sleep there.
   Remember, Jesus was a homeless man.

   Just something to think about.


  1. Oh, and by no means am I the model for how this should work. This is actually something I've been praying about a lot.

  2. im just wondering do you think that someone who lives a virtuous life but has never heard of jesus god or the bible will go to heaven?

  3. Hey cole! Long time no see buddy!

    Unfortunately this is a difficult question for me and one that I have struggled with a few times.

    There are really two main arguments that I have heard for this. The first is that everyday they experience God's creation which should drive them to seek the origin of it all and in turn find God. Also with this view you would argue that everyone has the inert feeling that something is missing and fills it with something, hopefully find the peace and comfort of the God of the universe. They are still sinners just like me and you, therefore, in this view, no they would not enter the kingdom of heaven.

    The second being that it would not be counted against them seeing as though they never had a chance and would be given a chance.

    I tend to fall under the first of the two views. "We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" Romans 2:23. I believe that they have still knowingfully done wrong, and just like me before I met Christ, deserve "wages for sin" which is death. Death being the inability to enter the kingdom of heaven.

    Sorry this was long, and feel free to comment back! I enjoy discussing this stuff and would love to hear you're thoughts on the topic cole :)

  4. it just seems like under the second one that its better to not tell people about god and then try to make them be good people instead. i read an article today that you might find interesting. the author is obviously atheist so its a little biased but still a good read.
    you should look into monetizing your blog because if you use google ads, they will advertise your blog for you

  5. a. Yeah, that's why I fall under the second one, because the main premise of the bible is that all people are guilty of sin, which is punishment of death, aka not heaven.

    b. Thanks cole! I might need u to show me how! Where are you living this year?

  6. im not sure where im living yet haha maybe cary but i dont really want to. anyway at the top right of your page you should see something called dashboard or top left maybe one that says monetize and then everytime someone clicks an add that google puts on there you get money
